Today was the day of I am not taking this crap anymore! Today I hit a boiling point. I was so exhausted this evening I cried to sleep I haven't done that in forever. Kind of like the emotional hang over I have been refering to that is how I feel. Parenting is never easy but when you have a special needs child it is draining to say the least. I am constantly at battle with doctors the school you name it I fight them and today I won my fight a little more.
It began last may when after our fire nick hit a hard depression and he had alot of needs as far as counseling goes medicaiton etc. Problem is our health insurance only allows so many visits per year and we had more than whiped those out. His counselor more than assured me comm mental health will step in. For a month I kept in constant contact trying to get more appoitment approval. On his psychiatrist visit in may they reput him on the only medication that worked. I walked to the front desk I had actually ran into his councelor the week before at walmart. He told me he was going on vacation for a few weeks so to please schedule something. When I requested to do so they informed me that the week prior he had walked in told them the next day was his last day and quit and went on to a different job. STRIKE ONE!
SO I was livid but what can you do I was assured he'd be given a new conselor that was in may it was july before I went over their heads and got comm mental health to cover his appts and august before we were assinged a new counselr that's three months no therapy and into september. Since may we have had 2 counselor appts four were scheduled. The counselor went home sick one day and it has taken me a month to get a return call to schedule a new appt for today. They never even called me to tell me he was out sick that day just when I showed up they told me I was a lil irritated.
After nicks insurance kicked back in I had Comm mental health authority (cmha) evaluate my son. He met their crietria for DD (developmentally disabled) Services and we will get respite (babysittting for nick while I get a break and they pay for it YAH), conseling, psych, summer camps and so many more things. But since his therapy was already in place where we were and I didn't see the need to uproot him again I declined those sevrvices but knew at any time I could change that and there would be a wait list on the psychiatrist though.
During our appts the new counselor brought my attention to the need of neurological testing for nick but he had to find out who did the referal to the neruologist our counselor thought was the best to do so. We needed to find out exactly where on the autisim spectrum he was but more importantly testing of the brain to see where the neurotransmissions were lacking. It would consist of eeg's maybe cat skans etc. After numerous attmepts to get this referall from our insurance and actually approaching the psychiatrist myself I took matters into my own hands a week ago. I called my sons legal advocate extremely irriated and fed up she advised me to go ahead call the neurologist schedule an appointment and inform them of it and put a push for the referall.
SO I called the neurologist that the counselor was referring to. THEY DO NOT TAKE OUR INSUARANCE and to make matters worse they do quesiton and answer testing no EEG's not what we needed and even more worse the psychiatrist that we see at this center WORKS THERE and KNOWS they don't take our insurance so why in the same blazing hell would they even waste time with this STRIKE TWO!!!!!!!!!
So now I am literally foaming at the mouth screaming at his advocate in apsolute flustration. I am so lucky to have her that is what she is there for she listenst to my bitch session and then helps me with the next step we work great together. But today I was fed up and she totally understood. I hung up with her and began phone call upon phone call I went online searching for pediatric neurologists in our area. Hurley popped up. Nicks gastronologist is there and I really like it there. So I called one office but they were for adults they gave me the number to patient services. They gave me two numbers. I called the first one but they required a referal from the family (not psych) doctor and it be six months before they had an appt. That won't work! I called the second place NO referal needed and we see them Jan 28th FINALLY we are getting somewhere.
In my phone talk with his so called counselor monday I informed him of this new appt. Today was a hell day nick had school till 10:50 I had parent teacher confrences at 12:20 his conselor at 3:00 and his psychiatrist at 4:10. His orgianl psych appt was at 5:20 but since we were there they would just work us in right after his counselor was done.
I had spent the day at my grams cause she was watching the kids and I don't take madison to his mental health appts that is our time to work together. So I arrive to the counselor appt and they inform me YET again he left early sick further more the psychiatrist was not even IN until 4:30 so the whole four o clock thing was bullshit anyhow. STRIKE DAMN THREE!
Well that was it, with the mishandling this summer, the neurology, no contact and now this I was done with this place. Nick was crying he can't handle this crap all the changes is just to much on him.
So I got in the car called his family doctor I informed the nurse I was done there and that CMHA could start counseling immediately but the psychiatrist was a wait list and that is who handles his meds. I wanted to know if the family doc would cover it until then. She brought us right into the office I stopped home grabbed all of nicks papers IEP's etc etc and current pill bottles. On my way there I called his advocate who is like ready to strangle this place informed her what was going on and what I was doing and also called his counselor at the school to see if she thought this was a good step she said it was and also gave me a few names of other places to handle his mental health if this don't work out.
I Went over to the appointment the doctor TOTALLY unerstood my flustration and was furious himself with them. This doc treats his kids like his own. When he gives them their immunization shots or any shots he hugs them after and during he tell them I love you I mean he is the sweetest damn thing. He talked with us for an hour and really feels that CMHA is the best place for nick because of his age. He also said we were on a good track with the neurlogoist and assured me I was doing the right thing. He filled his perscriptions plus gave us two refills to cover us and will see him back in a few weeks just to monitor him His family doctor doesn't really deal with this stuff but he refers out to good places so he is always so much I help I really REALLY like this doctor.
It was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder at that moment. I didn't have to deal with this place anymore. I contacted the center told them I was done sending my son there. The lady I deal with there said she seen it coming and was really sad to see us go. She also said that his counselor will get his file to close it and to expect him to contact us to try to talk us out of it UGH TO LATE. PLUS she is sending our file to the head of the center to bring attention to this crap. She wished us good luck and told me his file will be there for 7 years if I ever need it. Now I just need to contact the guy we deal with at CMHA tomorrrow to get him in to a counselor asap and get us on the wait list for the psych doctor.
When I got home I had a very sweet message from his advocate and I called her and told her what the family doc was doing. She was so happy for us and assured me that I am not the only one dealing with this and just to relax and know that atleast at CMHA she can attest that he is in good hands.
Here is my thing on all of this. These places these so called FAMILY SERVICES are suppose to be a support system FOR US! They are suppose to be helping me and guiding me on how to help my son. Not making matters worse for me and stressing me all to hell. I am doing all the damn work and they are getting the paycheck! It is a shame that a mother who doesn't know crap about any of this can get more done in two days than these nimrods with medical degrees!
I am just so fed up with inadequate people caring for my son and I will not tolerate it any longer. Time is of the essence with him a day missed is a three day down fall for him. Nick was out of it today he doesn't handle this crap and I am tryin to keep my cool not to uspet him but I know he sensed the flustration in me. If anything I want him to see I ain't puttin up with this shit. I hope he seen that today Even the nurse noticed his eyes were showing stress signs at the docs office and did a blood pressure on him to make sure he was alright.
Once I got home and calmed down I took nick aside and explained things with him. And spent a little extra time with him tonight. The good side is he was not attached to this new counselor, his old one he had for a year and a half so that was hard on him. I told him where we were gonna go he really likes the guy from CMHA and there are more programs there like tuturoing and mentoring programs just to name a couple. I told him it was a good step ahead and we need to do this so he can keep doing better in school.
This was the first postitive parent teacher confrence I have had in years. The staff working with him now is his best team yet and they really recognize his strengths. One big change is we are gonna stop focusing on what he can't do and more on what he can or could be doing instead. Nick will defeat himself before he tries becaues he fails so much. But they see that when he realizes how much he really CAN do the pride he holds is amazing! He will now get one on one with his math with the resource teacher. He will participate in more regular classroom learning but not be requried to be called upon and will be reassured of this and it will be up to him to raise his hand to participate. The staff really is working hard with him and it is so nice to see and I do believe alot of it has to do with the fact that they are seeing more of me in there and me pushing and doing more now then ever. I think it makes a huge difference. I don't really fight with them I basically tell them what I expect and do it or else! LOL so far it works.
Well that's what happened I know it's hard for my friends who don't have a kid with needslike this to even comprehend what I go thru DAILY I will say count you're blessings for what you got. I wish nick had the lifestyle their kids do but at this point the best thing I can do is keep him active as his family doctor said things like soccer will keep him motivated give him goals and things to look foward to. So for now I try to give him as "normal" of a life like other kids he can and just hope it all falls in place real soon thanks for listening to my rantings -rach